Our Focus
The focus of the Arizona Department of Administration, Risk Management Division, is to protect the State's assets from loss and minimize employee injuries on the job. We want State employees to return home each day, healthy and injury free.
We should all exercise care when using State resources and we are all responsible for reporting hazardous situations that pose a danger to State employees and the public.
This web site is designed to provide information about the various services of the Risk Management Division. Our employees are available to help with any questions or problems you may have related to Risk Management.

Call to speak with a registered nurse in the event of a workplace incident or injury
Phone: (800) 685-2877

The Property & Liability Claims Section investigates, evaluates, negotiates and settles claims for: State property, State vehicles, Liability claims

Risk Management provides Loss Prevention Consultants, Industrial Hygienists, and Environmental Specialists to assist agencies in developing and implementing loss prevention programs

The major responsibilities within the Insurance Section Purchasing Excess and Catastrophe insurance to supplement funded self-insurance

State Agency Guidelines
- Building Project Submittal & Notification of Specialized Safety or Security Equipment
- Reporting Industrial Injuries: State of Arizona Workers’ Compensation partnered with CorVel to guide employees to the appropriate level of care for any on-the-job injuries.
- Submitting Request for Contract Exception - Instructions and Request Form
- AED Program Development Guide
- Defense Base Act Handbook
- OSHA Recordkeeping
COVID-19 Information
Below is a link for COVID-19 Testing for Arizonans
Mask Up Arizona to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
This video available on the DHS website shows you how to handle a cloth face-covering
Workers' Compensation Resources
COVID-19 Claim Submittal-Guidance
Workers' Compensation Reporting System
Would you like to learn about the injury reporting system? Play the video below by selecting the Play icon in the bottom left-hand side of video file