Loss Prevention Program Elements
The following Loss Prevention Program Elements are in accordance with Arizona Administrative Code A.A.C. R2-10-205, “Development and Implementation of Agency Loss Prevention Programs”, that each “agency head shall develop and implement an agency loss prevention program that integrates loss prevention and safety policy into all agency activities.”
R2-10-207 requires each agency to develop, implement, and monitor loss prevention program elements of an occupational health and safety program that may be applicable. Each program element must be evaluated to determine its applicability to an agency.
The following has been developed to provide clarifications in responsibilities within a state agency and to assist in the establishment of various loss prevention and safety programs.
- Loss Prevention Policy Letter, R2-10-206(A) (rev. 6/2023)
- Loss Prevention Committee, R2-10-206(C) (rev. 12/2024)
- Loss Prevention Coordinator, R2-10-206(B) (rev. 6/2023)
- New Employee and Continuous In-Service Training, R2-10-207(1) (rev. 6/2023)
- Documentation and Recordkeeping of Employee Training, R2-10-207(2) (rev. 10/2023)
- Emergency Planning, R2-10-207(3) (rev. 2/2023)
- Safety Inspections, R2-10-207(4) (rev. 12/2022)
- Accident and Incident Reporting, R2-10-207(5) (rev. 6/2023)
- Maintenance Program, R2-10-207(6) (rev. 1/2024)
- Fire Protection, R2-10-207(7) (rev. 10/2022)
- Security, R2-10-207(8) (rev. 9/2023)
- Environmental Protection Program, R2-10-207(9) (rev. 1/2025)
- Industrial Hygiene (IH) Program Overview, R2-10-207(10) (rev. 8/2023)
- Motor Vehicle Safety, R2-10-207(11) (rev. 10/2023)
- Construction Site Safety and Security, R2-10-207(12) (rev. 11/2023)
R2-10-207(10). Each Agency shall develop “an industrial hygiene program that encompasses an existing or potential health hazard within an agency, or that agency personnel may be exposed to during the course of work...The industrial hygiene program shall include the following program elements as applicable.”
Select each for guidelines to assist you in determining and developing your agency program(s).
- a. Hazard Communication (rev. 6/2023);
- b. Laboratory Safety (Chemical Hygiene Plan) (rev. 2/2025);
- c. Hearing Conservation (rev. 2/2024);
- d. Confined Space Entry (rev. 11/2023);
- e. Handling and Disposing of Hazardous Waste (Waste Management) (rev. 3/2023);
- f. Back Protection (rev. 4/2023);
- g. Ergonomics (rev. 8/2024);
- h. Asbestos Management (rev. 1/2024);
- i. Building Air Quality (rev. 8/2023);
- j. Chemical Exposure Assessment (rev. 6/2023);
- k. Personal Protective Equipment (rev. 2/2023);
- l. Respiratory Protection (rev. 11/2022);
- m. Bloodborne Pathogen Protection (rev. 12/2023); and
- n. Tuberculosis Protection (rev. 12/2023)
For support in any of these programs contact your Loss Prevention Consultant or email us at [email protected].